Sunday, December 9, 2007

With some friends on the last night

I made a lot of new friends and colleagues here but I also ran into some old ones.
Here is a picture of another Professor Doug - he is a seismologist from Washington University in St. Louis. We actually shared an office together in 2005 at ANU in Canberra. He just came down and will be going to the South Pole station from where he will put out seismic stations to help to try to find out more about a whole new mountain range that was discovered a few years ago but does not come out of the ice at all. We were having some good South Australian grape juice.

Here is another old friend - Professor Mark from Montana State Univ. in Bozeman. He is a glaciologist who is interested in 'bugs' in glaciers. He came home the same time I did. He and his friends cut a tunnel into one of the glaciers in the dry valley to see what kinds of things they could find buried in the ice. He has a blog too - you can see it at

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