Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Stuck in McMurdo Still

Hi all - we tried to go to the rig yesterday (Tuesday) and also again today (Wednesday) but the wind is too strong. No flights can get in or out either. So, a few things around here. We get our food at the 'Galley' (it used to be run by the Navy). The food is pretty good although it would be good to see something fresh - that will likely not be for awhile as other things will have priority when the planes can get down again. There are 4 meals a day - the last one is called 'midrats' which is at midnight - it is for the people who are working the night shift.

Basically, you can eat all you want. For lunch today I had a chicken burrito. Wednesday is also cookie day and the baker makes fresh cookies - Hey - Flat Stanley - don't be such a pig! Just take one cookie at a time! They also have a soft ice cream machine here - but it is so popular that they have to put a lock on it between meals!

Here are a couple of my colleagues in our little office at Crary Labs at McMurdo - the two Thomas's (Dr. Thomas Wonik and Thomas Grelle) both from Hannover. They have brought all of their geophysical logging gear from Germany to use when the coring is done. They sent two Thomas's so we only have to learn one name, that is very convenient. Can you believe I have to work with these guys :) - this is what they do all day! They kick back with Flat Stanley :) Now I better run before they catch me - but .....
Thomas (on the right) has been here before on a drilling project about 8 years ago so he will be very good to have around.

Oops - when I was running away look what I ran into - a CONDITION 2 storm, lucky that I ran to my dorm because as soon as I got there they made it CONDITION 1 which means that you are supposed to stay where you are and not even leave the building. All travel out is strictly forbidden as people can get lost in the blowing snow very easily (of course this is what Alberta can look like too sometimes in our worst blizzards). At least it is not so cold - only about -15 C with maybe -30 windchill, for babies after our survival course. Let's hope the weather is better tommorrow so we can go out to the rig.

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